Innovative Learning, Achieved Together

KNVEY for Education & Learning

Lead the Education & Learning market with KNVEY. This platform revolutionizes how content is created, managed, and delivered, providing powerful tools for building interactive learning portals and tracking student performance. KNVEY supports educators in delivering dynamic and effective education, curating content, and tracking progress to ensure student success.

Learning Portals

Drive Student Success

Lead the Education & Learning Market

The KNVEY platform enhances how content is created, managed, and delivered. With powerful tools for building interactive learning portals and tracking student performance, KNVEY supports educators in delivering dynamic, effective education.

Curate Content and Track Progress

Portals for Education & Learning

Ideal for schools, universities, and professional training, KNVEY Portals facilitate a dynamic educational experience that engages students, supports diverse learning styles, and drives academic achievement.

Learning Portals

Classroom Portal

Create an immersive virtual classroom environment where students can access lectures, resources, and assignments in one centralized location, facilitating a seamless transition between different learning activities.

Resource Portal

Build a comprehensive digital library that houses educational materials, such as e-books, academic papers, videos, and interactive simulations, categorized by subject, level, and learning style for easy access.

Professional Education Portal

Implement a portal for teacher training and professional development, including workshops, certification courses, and collaborative learning communities.

Internship Portal

Build a portal that links students with internship and job opportunities, includes resume-building tools, and offers career counseling sessions and industry insights.

Future of Continuous Learning

Guides for Education & Learning

Tailored to meet the diverse needs of students and educators, KNVEY Guides simplify complex topics, facilitate self-paced learning, and adapt to individual learning styles, enhancing understanding and retention.

From Excel to KNVEY Guides

Research Guide

Offer a step-by-step guide to planning and executing a research project, including choosing a topic, finding sources, organizing notes, and structuring the final paper.

Learning Style Guide

Provide a guide that helps students determine their preferred learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.) and recommends study techniques and resources that match these preferences.

Career Guide

Guide students through a series of questions about their interests, skills, and values to recommend potential career paths and the educational requirements for each.

Homework Guide

Create a guide that assists students in breaking down complex homework assignments into manageable steps, providing helpful tips and directing them to relevant learning materials.

Craft Dynamic Websites

Sites for Education & Learning

KNVEY Sites empowers educational institutions and training providers to build sophisticated, interactive websites that enhance the learning experience. Facilitate a connected and immersive educational environment that supports academic success and skill development.

Sites for Education and Learning

Marketing Site

A robust, user-friendly website that serves as the digital front door for your educational facility. Provide comprehensive information about the facility, programs, resources, and community.

Admission Site

Create a streamlined site for admissions that guides prospective students through the application process, includes FAQs, and provides live chat support to answer any questions.

Activity Site

Create a vibrant site where students can explore and join extracurricular clubs and activities, view event calendars, and register for upcoming events.

Library Site

Build a digital library site that provides easy access to e-books, academic papers, and digital archives, with powerful search tools and resource recommendations.

Simplify Admissions and Feedback

Forms for Education & Learning

Streamline form creation for admissions, surveys, feedback, and more. KNVEY Forms is essential for educational institutions aiming to optimize operations and improve interactions with students and staff.

Construction Contact Form

Course Form

Gather valuable feedback on courses and instructors to help improve teaching strategies and curriculum planning.

Tutoring Form

Organize extra help sessions by allowing students to sign up for tutoring in various subjects, matching them with available instructors or peer tutors.

Enrollment Form

Automate and manage the student enrollment process, collecting essential information while providing a smooth onboarding experience.

Faculty Feedback

Provide a platform for faculty to submit feedback on administrative policies, facility services, or professional development needs.